Category Archive: News

12 Days to Christmas, Film Countdown
CHRISTMAS IS 12 DAYS AWAY! The Christmas markets are in full swing, we’re stuffing ourselves with mince pies, and the Christmas playlist is on repeat here at Bespoke. But, we thought there would be nothing better than a list of our top 12 Christmas films (one for each day leading up to Christmas) to get […]

Our Top Tips to Create a Great LinkedIn Profile
LinkedIn is obviously one of the biggest professional networks out there, with over 467 million users worldwide, and around 106 million unique users. It’s a crucial platform for recruiters, with millions of users utilising the network to find the next step in their career.

Welcome to Bespoke, Clare!
It gives me great pleasure in introducing the newest member of the Bespoke team – Clare Jones! Clare actually joined us a few months ago, and has already made huge waves within the recruitment world. She has a wicked sense of humor, meaning Clare fits perfectly within our team! Clare will be predominantly working with […]

What Percentage of Your Hires are Internal Referrals?
We all know that internal referrals are THE best way to get quality staff, and there are many reasons why…

Fitness – Can it Really Benefit your Work Day?
We know that maintaining the motivation to work out regularly can be difficult, especially if you have long days at work, and don’t get back late.