Finding your First Marketing Job

It’s coming to that time of year when you’re finishing University and starting to look for your first role in marketing. The idea of leaving your comfort zone of uni, and coming into the big world of Manchester, can be daunting and scary. We know you may feel a little lost and unsure of where to start your search – so carry on reading for Tony’s top 8 tips for finding your first marketing job!
Have a strong personal brand online
Without doubt, people will check you out on social media, and in the digital age of today – nothing is sacred. Make sure your LinkedIn shows what you’ve done, if isn’t professional, then show your coursework. Check your Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to ensure there’s nothing potentially damaging or that could come across in a bad way!
Consider an internship or voluntary work
This might sound contradictory to getting a degree, but trust me, this will help you even if it’s only few days a week or a short term contract. In fact, two friends of mine took it upon themselves to do some voluntary work and a short term internship – and now hold high positions in two respected companies in Manchester.
Consider the specific market you want to go into
Be mindful that some of the sectors that you might perceive to be glamourous and fun to work in, might not necessarily be as interesting or as educational as you might think. Marketing is massive, so do some research into all the different sectors and decided the specific one you think will suit you and your skills the best.
Accept that the learning doesn’t stop here
As much as you might think it is, graduation isn’t the end of your education. Your first role in a company will continue to build on the knowledge you’ve gained at uni, and continuously teach you new things.
Have realistic salary expectations
We speak to many graduates who ask for salaries way above their level of qualification. The standard salary for a fresh graduate tends to be between 16-20k – top end being if you’re very lucky!
Welcome advice on your CV
Talk to a marketing recruiter about your CV, they truly understand the industry and know what companies immediately look for on a CV. The average time spent looking at a CV is 10 seconds, so you need to make sure yours stands out! So, get some real advice from an expert, and you can also check out our blog on the perfect CV!
Don’t be afraid to attend networking events and put yourself out there! You’d be surprised how many people will be willing to introduce you to useful contacts, and in such a small community your name will travel quickly! We also have another helpful blog on attending your first networking event.
Talk to an experienced recruiter
We know what we’re on about, and can really help you out when it comes to finding your first marketing job! Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone for a quick chat!
We love nothing more than sitting down with ambitious and great talent who are looking to embark on a fantastic career in marketing. We know ourselves how daunting this can be, and how many different avenues there are you can go down.
I’ve had great success working in this industry for over 6 years in the Manchester region, working with some of the coolest agencies in Manchester and some really fun brands. It’s something I’m hugely passionate about, and always willing to talk to anyone wanting to break into the industry. Drop me an email or give me a call if you want to have a chat!