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Best Christmas Adverts of 2016
Christmas is around the corner, and we can’t bloody wait. We’ll be getting the decorations for the office soon, and it’s not long before the Christmas playlist will be on! But when Christmas is near, Santa isn’t the only thing we’re waiting for. Christmas adverts have quickly become an eagerly awaited part of Christmas, with […]

Bespoke’s Top Ten Must Watch Sales Films
Seeing as the world of recruitment is full of some of the best sales professionals, we thought we would put together a quick list of our favourite sales films. From the downright cringe to the fantastically clever – here are our top ten! Let us know if you think we’ve missed a vital sales film […]

Volunteering at Manchester’s Dogs Home
On Wednesday, we spent the day volunteering at Manchester’s Dogs Home. It was a great day, with us walking the dogs in the morning and then doing a bit of gardening to help them out and clear the drive of overgrown trees and bushes.
Visiting the Cat Café
Every Monday, here at Bespoke, we have a team meeting. We utilise the time to sit down and talk over what we aim to achieve over the coming week, and see how we can help one another to ensure we reach these goals. A few weeks back, Sophie found out about the Cat Café during […]

CV Mistakes that could Cost you a Job Interview
Your CV is, obviously, a crucial part in the process of you landing your dream job. You need to spend time to ensure everything is relevant, up to date and correct. The average time a recruiter spends reading a CV is around 10 seconds – and if they spot an error, it’s more than likely […]