Best Christmas Adverts of 2016

Christmas is around the corner, and we can’t bloody wait. We’ll be getting the decorations for the office soon, and it’s not long before the Christmas playlist will be on!
But when Christmas is near, Santa isn’t the only thing we’re waiting for. Christmas adverts have quickly become an eagerly awaited part of Christmas, with the stores rivalling to create the best – with the likes of John Lewis or Sainsbury’s often coming out on top.
This years adverts have been released – and we’ve watched them all, choosing our favourites. In no particular order, here they are!
Aldi – Kevin the Carrot
This is probably our favourite, mainly because Kev is so damn cute. It’s a short film following the little carrot as he takes on the Xmas roast in order to meet his hero – Santa. Waking up flying over England, dangling from Rudolf’s antlers – little Kev looks pretty happy, in turn, putting smiles on our faces.
Burberry – The Tale of Thomas Burberry
Whilst we don’t think this is particularly Christmassy, it’s impressive for a Xmas advert. You’d expect that however, seeing as they spent a whopping £10m on it! This breath-taking ad follows Thomas Burberry on his adventure of trying to create the best protective clothing, mainly for those fighting in the war. With a strong love story feel to it, they took a subtler approach with the clothing in the film. Kudos Burberry – this is impressive!
After their “here comes the girls” hit advert back in 2012 – Boots seemingly took inspiration from it for this one. Heart-warming and tear jerking, this advert gives the 500,000 women who work on Christmas day each year, a well-deserved make-over!
Very – Get More out of Giving
Another really sweet advert – Very have captured the gift of giving amazingly. Following a young women going through the town gifting to those around her – as a heart next to her grows as she goes – she eventually gets home, and receives a present off her daughter. This shows that giving at Christmas is just as important as receiving!
This fun, festive advert is about a devoted dad – Dave (coincidence? We think not) who’s running out of time to do everything he needs to, especially figuring out what to get everyone for Xmas. With the backing track sung by James Corden, it’s about him realising that his kids would rather have him at home, than a fancy prezzie. Great advert as always, Sainsbury’s.
Marks & Spencer – Love, Mrs Claus
Another heart-warming, tear-jerker of an advert. Jake, a 6 year old who’s desperate to cheer up his older sister, who he has been annoying following up to Christmas; writes to Mrs Claus (who is pretty badass btw) asking for her help. We assure you, you will have a tear in your eye at this one! It’s most definitely one of our top favourites!
John Lewis – Buster the Boxer
Obviously, it’s no Christmas without the John Lewis advert. Probably one of the most eagerly awaited advert each year, they didn’t disappoint with this light hearted one. Different to their usual tear jerkers, this shows Buster the Boxer waiting to have a go on the trampoline all the other animals have been playing on. Whilst we don’t love it as much as their previous ones, we still think it deserved a place on our list!
Mulberry – Win Christmas
Following on from last years funny advert, Mulberry have done it again. Showcasing the family competing against one another to have chosen the best present; granny wins with a beautiful, traditional Mulberry bag – but with stiff competition from a puppy and even a unicorn! We love it.
A great take on a Christmas advert, Lidl have used this opportunity to show how well they look after their turkey’s at their free range farms. Taking a speculative customer to work on one for a day, it opens your eyes to see that they aren’t quite what you think!
Let us know if we’ve missed off your favourite in the comment section below!!