10 Questions to Ask your Interviewer

It is vital that at the end of an interview, you ask your interviewer a few questions. It is not just a one-way interview, whilst you don’t want to come across strong, you need to get a full understanding of the business, their culture, your potential role and everything it will entail.
You may already have some burning questions you want to ask, but researching the company online may bring up some more. Don’t be scared to go in-depth and pry, it’s more than likely that you will impress them by having the confidence to ask the harder hitting questions.
However, if you are struggling to come up with some killer questions, then here are our top 10.
1. How would you describe the general culture of the company and the workplace?
This sort of question will really help you gage whether or not you will fit in with the company and the sort of people that work there. It is vital that you get along with your colleagues, after all you will be spending a lot of time with them.
2. Why did you choose this company?
This is one for the more confident interviewee, but it is a really good question to ask. Hopefully, if they are honest, they will tell you their exact reasons as to what made the company stand out to them; allowing you to see if the same stands for you.
3. Will there be any form of training provided?
If you’re looking for a position where you can continue to grow your skill set, this question is an obvious one to ask if it hasn’t already been covered. If they say no, it’s also worth asking whether there is the potential for it to be implemented further on down the line.
4. What are some of the biggest challenges/successes facing the company at the moment?
This is a good question for you to hear about the strong points of the business, as well as see if your skills and knowledge can help them overcome the challenges they face. You also just get a better understanding of the business as a whole.
5. What process will be used to evaluate my employee performance?
It is always good to know how you will be tracked when it comes to your work, at the end of the day you don’t want all your hard work to go unnoticed and unbenefited.
6. Who will be my direct supervisor?
Obviously, this is a vital thing to know. You may have already covered it, however knowing the person you will be reporting into and liaising with on a daily basis means you then have the opportunity to do some research and see how their background is similar to yours. If you haven’t already met them, it would be helpful to see if you could.
7. Are there many opportunities for professional development within the company?
Again, this may have already been covered either during the interview or prior, but if not it is worth asking them. Progression may be something that you find is important in a new role, and knowing what you have to work towards will help you figure out whether the role is the right fit for you.
8. What is the usual time frame for making the hiring decision?
This sort of question is useful for you to understand how long you will be waiting to hear back from them, it’s also good to ask whether it will be via email, phone or your recruiter if working with one.
9. May I contact you if any further questions arise?
Again, this is a great questions to end on, some companies prefer not to be contacted directly, and clearing this up before you leave will help ensure you don’t cause any annoyance during the process.
10. What makes this company stand out above your competitors?
It’s always good to learn about what they do differently to stand out of the crowd, as well as find out who they think their main competitors are. Most companies enjoy talking about what makes them different and it will help you gain an extensive understanding of their creativeness and uniqueness.
If you are ever in need of help when it comes to interviewing. then don’t hesitate to get in-touch! You can email wither Tony or Dave on [email protected] or [email protected]